Our Mission
Advance existing and emerging applications of laser radiation by offering compact light sources with outstanding coherence properties and frequency agility – throughout the visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectrum.
Wafer-scale manufacturing
Fully wafer scale compatible
combining foundry processing
Highly coherent lasers with compact form factor
Enables record low
linewidth laser on chip
Exceptional frequency agility
High speed (MHz), high linearity,
hysteresis free, low power scanning (nW)
Latest news
DeepLight signed Early Technology Development Contract with ESA
DeepLight signed the contract on the Early Technology Development "Narrow linewidth frequency agile integrated photonic lasers for space" (IDEA: I-2021-03417). ESA's Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) seeks novel ideas for new space research activities....
DeepLight awarded prestigious tech-transfer funding
The new technology allows unprecedentedly fast tuning and high chirp nonlinearity while maintaining small compact module size, which are critical for technology competitiveness in large and demanding LIDAR market. The project addresses the challenge to provide...
Speeding up long-range coherent LiDAR
LiDAR is a technique used for measuring distances with laser light. In a study published in Nature, researchers at EPFL show a new way to speed up a type of LiDAR engine by using photonic circuits.
Read more : https://actu.epfl.ch/news/speeding-up-long-range-coherent-lidar-5/
Shaking light with sound
Combining integrated photonics and MEMS technology, scientists from EPFL and Purdue University demonstrate monolithic piezoelectric control of integrated optical frequency combs with bulk acoustic waves. The technology opens up integrated ultrafast acousto-optic modulation for demanding applications.
Read more : https://actu.epfl.ch/news/shaking-light-with-sound/
frequency agile lasers Paper
Low-noise lasers are of central importance in a wide variety of applications, including highspectral-efficiency coherent communication protocols, distributed fibre sensing and longdistance coherent LiDAR. In addition to low phase noise, frequency agility, that is the ability to achieve high-bandwidth actuation of the laser frequency, is imperative for carrier recovery in coherent communications, triangular chirping in frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) based ranging or any optical phase locking as routinely used in metrology.
Read the whole paper : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.02990.pdf
This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 101035029 (FRESCO) and No. 101033663 (RaMSoM).